Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Return from Heaven

I am back in the United States. I am back in the world of annoying alarm clocks versus nagging roosters in the morning. Deadlines and tough decisions at work versus the slow pace of watching the rain and waiting for the bell to ring at lunch. Terrible reality tv shows and news content featuring political hypocrits versus praise-dance parties and heart-wrenching love of youth.

Upon my return to work Monday morning, I spent my time waiting to hear if my position with the company is guaranteed permanent, while sharing with anyone who would listen about my experiences and joys of "roughin it" in Haiti. I took lunch sitting near a fountain, reading a book on the history of Haiti, wondering if Haitians would consider a fountain for aesthetic appeal to be a cruel joke in the face of their limited water supply. This book I am reading has confirmed my praise for the St. Joseph's foundation: Haitians need to come to the realization that the solution to their problems must come from within, not from the saving grace of another country. In establishing St. Joseph's, Michael Geilanfeld knew this secret as well. He began with a few small boys, and gave them the tools, education and ability to grow into leaders. From here they took on the Wings of Hope Orphanage as leaders, and within that home, disabled children are helping other disabled to learn and grow. Michael is that small mustard seed, from which nations may one day arise.
This sculpture was carved out of the tree trunk that supported the weight of collapsed building,
 saving the life of a member of St. Joseph's.

Today, I spoke with my marketing director, and after some discussion, I'm realizing the position I was once so excited about, may not be the route for my passion afterall. I must make a decision within hours, and I've never felt so torn about anything. How do I support a company that ultimately provides technology used in war, when my own mission is to foster love and improvements to a third-world country? I need this position as a financial means to support myself, or else I would serve no good for anyone. I shouldn't turn down the only opportunity I have right now for a career, when I have not located any other existing opportunities to serve in Haiti.

The night before we left, KC came to our devotion to share the future plans of Wings. She passed around blueprints for a $4 million facility to house all the children, the staff, a school for other disabled children, and an indoor therapy pool! Her dreams are huge for this compound shaped fittingly shaped like a butterfly, and I admire everything about this woman whom is so similar to myself. She shared with me during our breakfast-prep Saturday morning that she felt her life is more compatible with Haitian culture. God had called upon her for service, and she came upon this opportunity. Almost envious, I hugged her good bye and let her know how much she inspired me. She said, "I know you'll be back, that's not even a question," then showed the children how to blow kisses as our van pulled away. I know they say you should never look back, but I couldn't help but glue my eyes to the 2nd story balcony at Steve, biting his nails, too upset to come say good bye. Or at Josephine, practically sprouting wings from her wheelchair on the top balcony to come with us. Jacky rode with us to Port-Au-Prince, so at least I felt I could save one last good bye until I reached the airport.

So I'll leave this post with some things I learned from Haiti, hopefully continuing my ongoing efforts in future posts as I attempt to carry out my passion:

1)  Living in even the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere is no excuse for bad fashion
2) The term "act your age" is totally irrelevant in any context
3) Justin Beiber is famous....everywhere whether you like it or not
4) Beyond mountains are.....more mountains
5) You don't need money to be rich
6) Sanitation is a rarely afforded luxury
7) Toilets don't have to flush clockwise, counter-clockwise, or in any direction if they don't flush
8) Guys like girls who cover up and don't show too much skin
9) Earthquakes lead to as many miracles as they do tragedies
10) In faith, God will always provide what you need, not always what you want

I hope you've enjoyed my attempt at social networking through blog. I ask that you assist me with my life's passion by sharing a gift of your choice to the Wings of Hope Sponsor-a-child program, or to the Building Fund.

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